Ellie's World

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nice to Meet You Part II

I went to Tateno Elementary School for my first school visit today. I was with the third and fifth graders. They were SO cute (and so well-behaved)! They took my lesson very seriously, practicing their pronounciation and inflexion with intensity! We learned, "Hi, my name is __________. Nice to meet you. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?" I think their favorite part is the handshake that accompanies the greeting- it's so foreign to them! I just love practicing the greeting with them individually- they are like little, serious people! I felt really bad because in the fifth grade class one little boy got really stressed out because he didn't understand, and he started crying. The teacher was great, though, and the little boy could eventually enjoy the lesson (and stop crying!) But I felt so bad, like the big scary foreigner! I think he was just really frustrated because he couldn't say the new words we were learning. I hadn't done elementary school lessons for awhile, so it was quite a shock to be back with the little ones. But I do enjoy going to elementary school so much, because the students are so excited to learn English! I gave them each a penny, which will undoubtedly become a prized possession. Ahh...it takes so little to make kids happy!


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