Ellie's World

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs...(I wish...)

I haven't had too many big food cravings while living in Japan, but lately my mind has been dwelling on all the glorious foods at home that I am all of the sudden missing! The best example...I'm reading "Angels and Demons" right now, and the story is set in Rome. There are many piazza's in Rome. Whenever I read this word, I get a hunger cramp. I want pizza!!! Also, this morning I was craving a toasted tuna melt with cheddar cheese dripping all over it- alas, I had cold salmon, a big hot dog, and two very white pieces of bread awaiting me at lunchtime. I've also been craving this Mexican burrito from the Mexican restaurant at Crossroads that my dad and I ate about everyday when I was in 8th grade. Oh, what I would give for a soft tortilla, refried beans, hot cheese, and lots of tomato sauce...!!! Soon, soon...for now I can enjoy delicious Japanese food that I will most likely dearly miss when I come home. It will be interesting to try Japanese restaurants after eating "the real thing" for so long over here. Hopefully I will find some good stuff, or else learn how to cook it while I'm here. I think the former choice is a bit more realistic...:) Today, try and appreciate the delicious "American" food you eat!


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