Ellie's World

Thursday, March 23, 2006


It seems like I haven't written for a long time! I just got back from 4 days in Hiroshima and I'm headed off for Osaka tomorrow. There is too much to write about, so I'll try to sum up some highlights.

Riding the shinkansen (bullet train) is so fun! It certainly isn't cheap, but it's worth it. Some of you may know how much I hate flying. Riding the shinkansen is like flying, but without the motion sickness. The seats are comfortable and you have lots of leg room. It only took 4 hours from Tokyo to Hiroshima, and it's fun because you can see the country as you pass through towns like Osaka and Kyoto.

It was so nice to stay at a house and have lots of good Japanese homecooking (my friend Saki's mom is a great cook!) We spent lots of time just relaxing at Saki's house. After living in my tiny, furnitureless apartment, it is such a treat to lounge on comfy couches and sleep in a bed! There's an old Chinese saying about how you always sleep better in your own bed, but it's not true for me- I always sleep better in a bed while on vacation in Japan!

Seeing the atomic bomb dome and museum was indescribable. I'd studied the bombing before, but I learned so much more at the museum. One of the most heartbreaking things I learned was how many students were killed because they had been out of school working on creating fire lanes in case of an air-raid when the bomb was dropped. While the museum was pretty intense, and displayed some graphic pictures, the most powerful sight was the atomic bomb dome. It is the only building that was left as a memorial to the structural damage done by the bomb. It was chosen to remain intact because it was the only structure left standing near the center of the bomb.

I think my favorite thing I did in Hiroshima was going to Miyajima Island. One of the three most beautiful sites in Japan (according to some census) is the view of the torii (temple gate) that lies in the water, a few hundred meters from the temple. At low tide, you can walk out on the marshy sand to see the torii up close. It was very cool! We spent a day walking around the island, eating local treats (eel, donuts, and orange soft serve), and visiting different shrines. It was a beautiful day, and we took far too many pictures!

One of my favorite Japanese foods is okonomiyaki, a kind of pancake mix with vegetables and meat, topped with a delicious sauce. In Hiroshima, there is a special, different kind of okonomiyaki that also has noodles and eggs. It was AWESOME! We ate it a few times, and I still salivate when I think about it! If you ever have the chance to try it, I definately recommend it!

Well, that sums up the highlights of my trip. I'm off to Osaka tomorrow- this is an intense time of traveling! I'm a little nervous because I'm taking the night bus- 8 hours all-night! I hope I can sleep!


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