Ellie's World

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Roku nen-sei

I have been going to give mini-English lessons to the fifth and sixth-graders at a local elementary school. I loved going to visit the first and second-graders, but the older kids are a bit more of a challenge (it doesn't help that there are 40 to 50 kids per lesson, and they don't let me have the gym so space is an issue). There is this one little roku nen-sei (sixth grade) boy that just cracks me up. Before, during, and after the lesson he always comes up to me and says ALL the English words he knows, as well as an accompanying gesture. For example, he will say "open," and the spread his arms apart, then he will say "close," and put his hands together, as if he is opening and closing a door. He's quite a character!


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