Ellie's World

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Luggage Company

I'm coming home for a friend's wedding next week, so I thought I'd start moving home by bringing a bunch of stuff I don't need back home with me. (I can't believe I'm already starting to move home!) Since I'll be taking the train alone to the airport, I decided to have one of my big bags shipped to the airport from my apartment (a commen and very useful service!) My friend recently had some luggage shipped to the airport, and she gave me the name of an English-speaking luggage service. When I called them this afternoon, there was no one who could speak English. I thought I would have to call back or get a Japanese speaker to make the arrangements, but the women just started asking me questions, so I figured I would try to make the arrangements myself. Although it took 20 minutes and a lot of "I don't understand's" in Japanese, I finally was able to successfully make arrangements (I hope! I'm still not 100% sure!) with the company. Everything went pretty smoothly (context is everything!) except for about five minutes in the middle of our conversation when I just could not understand what the woman I was talking to was talking about. I seriously couldn't understand any of the words she was using, except for "luggage." Finally, putting context into effect, I asked her if she was asking me when was a good time to pick up my bag from my apartment. Bingo. That's was she was talking about, but she was using unfamiliar words to me. I was pretty proud when it was all over, but I felt extremely bad for the woman who had to put up with me! She was so patient and gracious, especially when I kept saying I didn't understand over and over (what else can you say when you really don't understand?!) I just hope I really did understand her :) I guess we'll find out!


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