Ellie's World

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I am trying to go to volleyball practice more at my school, because that is one of the best ways to connect with the students. At my main school, volleyball practice is run like what I imagine military drills to be like- no talking, instense physical training, repetition, repetition, repetition, and a scary head coach. So while I'm at my other, smaller school (there's only 12 girls on the team) I am trying to go to practice more. Today the coach (my favorite English teacher) was in meetings during practice so it was just me and the girls. We did a lot of scrimmaging, and I taught the girls some volleyball cheers from my high school days... : ) They pretty much thought they were the coolest thing ever! They loved the cheer for an ace (unreturned serve) and would often do it even when they didn't get an ace! It was a great practice because they were really laid back (actually, not much volleyball was played!) I can just imagine them using their new cheer in the next tournament : ) !


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