Ellie's World

Friday, February 10, 2006


I have recenlly become a scarf-making machine. Last week I was wearing a scarf that I had just finished. My principal noticed it and we started talking about knitting. He was quite impressed with my skills, although they are quite simple! Anyways, he told me I should try knitting a kilt next. I was confused- a knit kilt! Sounds pretty risque!!! I told him I didn't understand what he was talking about and then I realized what he was talking about. The sister city school in Australia sent a bunch of kilts to the school, and they are currently on display in the foyer. These kilts are squares on fabric with different designs stitched in them- they are not the kilts I was thinking of! But I thought the name "kilt" was a little strange. Anyways, it wasn't until a few days later that my friend pointed out that kilt (ki-ru-to) means quilt. In Japanese, there is no "q" sound, so quilt becomes kilt. It all made since once I realized what a "kilt" really was!!!


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