Ellie's World

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My speech

There is an international group in Tateyama, comprised mostly of older, retired men who have studied English throughout their life. They occasionally have potlucks for the ALTs in the area. And they sometimes ask ALTs to give presentations to their group, mostly about the place the ALT comes from. So, since most other ALTs have been around here for a few years and have already done their partially obligitory presentation, it was my turn. It was really fun to put information about Bellingham, Bellevue, and Seattle together. After all, they are my favorite cities in the world! I learned that the 520 Bridge is the longest floating bridge in the world, and that Seattle was named the most literate city in America in 2005. Who knew?! Although I was a bit nervous before the presentation, only 6 members ended up coming, and they were an awesome audience. I had a great time rambling on about my cities in Washington for an hour, and could've gone on longer! The audience was really interested and asked lots of questions, some of which I couldn't answer! (What makes a bridge a "floating" bridge? Can I fish off 520 bridge? Yes, they were quite intrigued with the bridge!) After living away from home, I realize how much I love Washington. Whenever anyone asks me about where I'm from, I feel like my eyes glaze over as I describe this magical place called Washington. I guess it's easy to put on rose-colored glasses when you've been gone for so long!


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