Ellie's World

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Jogging Tales

I'm running in a 10K in about 3 weeks, and, seeing as how I devoured everything I could get my hands on while I was at home (you know, Christmas cookies, ice cream, cheese, cinnamon rolls....all the good stuff) I really need to get serious about preparing. My first run back in Japan was not so fabulous- I had to walk most of the time! Today, as I set off for my second run (with hopes that it would be better than my first run), it started snowing! About halfway through my run, I heard a car slow down behind me (I was on a narrow residential road). Usually I see a couple of people I know when I run, so I figured a friend saw me running and slowed down to say hello. When I turned around, there was a guy I didn't know leaning out of his window. I kept running as he said "samui desu ne?" (It's cold, isn't it?) I just smiled and said, "It's not too bad...." And then he said, in English, "It's very cold!" with a thick Japanese accent (E-tsu be-ri ko-ru-do!). Then he zoomed off. This guy wanted to talk to me because I was a foreigner, then he practiced his textbook English from junior high school on me before driving away, all while I was jogging....only in Japan : )


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